Cancer Survivors are Brave Warriors

Oct 9, 2018 | 6 comments

Cancer, defined by medicine as an uncontrolled growth of cells, is a leading cause of painful death worldwide. I do not want you to bring forth the statistics for other diseases and even suicide rates to beat my argument. Why? Because, cancer is painful.

Yes, it takes courage for anyone to read and believe the diagnosis, get the tests done, and go ahead with the treatment plan; leave the financial repercussions for now. If you or anyone close to you is suffering from cancer, or died due to cancer, you know that it is no less than a death sentence itself. I would go ahead and say that a death sentence is far simpler than dying with cancer.

Well, considering the fatal aspects of this disease and the multifaceted suffering attached to a patient’s lifestyle, I salute every cancer patient for not giving up. Yes, you are brave enough to accept the verdict (cancer diagnosis), and then fight for your life.

Many people end up going into depression post-diagnosis, and some others are abandoned by their family. Nothing is more painful than being abandoned to die by those who you call your own family.



Unfortunately, such incidents are common in developing economies since cancer brings a lot of financial burden for effective treatment, and the longevity of the patient is never guaranteed. Yet, as the daughter of a late cancer patient who was a clinician herself, I would like to advise all cancer patients of the following:

  • Please stay positive

Being diagnosed with cancer does not mean the end of life. Death is the bitter truth of life, and all humans have to die at a point in time anyway. It is just that cancer becomes a sole reminder of the rule of life – death comes in time. Yet, if you can continue to embrace life and its events with a smile, the journey will be much more worthwhile.

  • Be spiritual

Spirituality has different connotations in different cultures. I would define spirituality as something which enriches the soul. Being in touch with oneself and meditating on nature and God’s creation can help in easing the pain. I say this based on my late mom’s experience with cancer and spirituality.

Lastly, cancer patients do not need “sympathy,” but “love” and “affection” to face the reality.

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About Our Author

Anushka Suri

Anushka Suri is a freelance writer, singer, and digital marketing consultant based in India. She runs multiple blogs and websites, and writes her opinions on various domains including philosophy, science, technology and management. Some of her blogs include,,, and  She writes professional content such as website copy, presentations, research papers, resumes, and provides editing services on a global scale. Please visit her website