International Cat Day is on August 8, so it is time to celebrate our feline friends!
Cat fun facts:
- All kittens are born with blue eyes due to the pigment in their eyes not being fully developed. Once kittens age (around 8 weeks), their permanent true eye color shows up.
- A cat’s field of vision is 200 degrees.
- Cats only sweat in their paws.
- Cats can have allergies.
- The first cat in space was named Félicette.
- Cats’ whiskers act like a radar. When they are threatened, they push their whiskers back.
- In Egyptian culture, cats were worshipped.
- Domesticated cats can read their owners’ emotions and act as great emotional support animals.
- Cats can tell when their owners are pregnant and can even hear the heartbeat of an unborn baby.
- House cats share 95.6% of their genetics with tigers while domesticated cats share genetics of both tigers and lions.
- Cats clean themselves a lot, and this helps with their body temperature, natural oils and getting rid of parasites.
- There are about 600 million cats worldwide.
How to celebrate International Cat Day:
- If you have a cat, celebrate with them and play games with them!
- Join the hashtag #CelebrateCats or #InternationalCatDay and create posts or upload videos to celebrate that day.
- Wear something cat-themed to support International Cat Day!
- Post a picture of your cat and share what makes them so special to you.
- Adopt a cat as a pet!
- Volunteer for a local animal shelter.
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