About Us and Our Values

We are a virtual community where women connect, explore and transform.

About Her Nexx Chapter

Her Nexx Chapter provides a virtual wellness community. We offer a pathway for women to explore topics and factors that can affect financial, physical and mental health, enhancing self-care and wellness. Our HNC Wellcore subscription platform offers resources and tools to help women of all ages and backgrounds achieve their ideal health to balance responsibilities and personal priorities. Aligning with the eight dimensions of well-being: physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, occupational, social, environmental and financial, the possibilities are unlimited when women are directly involved in their own transformation. Community, relationships and ongoing education reveal our commitment to “The Future of Connection for Women.”


Our Vision

A wellness community that delves into the concept of women’s flow of well-being.  Fostering purposeful living and strategies for experiencing life to its fullest.

Our Mission

We are a vibrantly diverse community of equity offering women ways to tap into the unlimited possibilities that will help direct their transformation for quality of life.

Our Purpose

We are a community where women connect, explore and transform.

Meet the Founder and CVO!

I’m Tracy Chapital, affectionately known as “Lady Chap.” I am proud that my vision illuminates a diverse group of women spanning multi-generations with increased capacity to embrace individual strengths for well-being, growth, and life-enhancing opportunities for every chapter of their lives. Women’s voices need to be heard, listened to and respected. They are a movement as a community of women empowering women to be their best selves. What inspired me to launch HNC in November of 2016? I was finding myself at a loss with lack of self-fulfillment and purpose to only discover other women transiting through their lives were also experiencing the same thing in terms of feeling a sense of emptiness. Like many other women, baby boomers transitioning into a new phase have hit a brick wall with career choices and limitations, and I was feeling disconnected from myself and any new possibilities for my life. I decided to channel all my experience, passion and life lessons into a self-created foundation, Her Nexx Chapter, Inc.

What’s in the name of Lady Chap? Some ask, “Is it royalty,” and the answer is heck, noooo… My name was developed in two aspects. My last name is French, from my husband Chap-it-tal, and he was always known as Chap (pronounced “Shap”) so I took on the name “Lady Chap.”

Women who are dear to me and who I feel connected to, well, I always refer to them as “Lady.” So every female close and dear to me is called “Lady,” and that’s the story of my name “Lady Chap.”

My desire is to connect women on many levels as we build our community. Yes, I have given myself permission to “dream BIG,” offering virtual workshops, online self-development life steps to enhance life skills, wellness programs, and vocational online eLearning and other resources. I want to share my unique perspective that speaks to women all over the world by touching their intellect from my heart, my soul, and my spirit. Our climate is changing. The pandemic has created a huge shift of thought, accountability, possibilities and change for women. I feel women have been shackled mentally for decades, consumed by others’ agendas and expectations. Her Nexx Chapter celebrates a community of women with a voice that will elevate my journey and yours, as we move into that next phase or better yet, our next chapter.

Meet the Advisory Board!

Cheryl Feick

Cheryl Feick


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Suzanne Ridner

Suzanne Ridner


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Chrystal Tan

Chrystal Tan

Chief Marketing Officer

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Jocelyn Bordador-Putnam

Jocelyn Bordador-Putnam

Events Marketing Director

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Dawn Roberts

Dawn Roberts

Executive Project Management Strategist

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Grace Aspinall

Grace Aspinall

Editorial Project Director

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Lakshmi J Iyer

Lakshmi J Iyer

Social Media Manager

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Samantha Tan

Samantha Tan

Marketing Director

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Annette Presley

Annette Presley

Wellness Ambassador

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