Go Outdoors and Have a Picnic! It’s International Picnic Day!

Jun 18, 2024 | Main Blog | 0 comments

Take a break from your busy schedule this summer and have a picnic!

International Picnic Day is Tuesday, June 18. It’s a great day to lay a blanket on the grass and enjoy some good food. Now, there are a lot of interesting facts about this holiday.

Fun Facts for International Picnic Day:

  • Picnics started in medieval times.
  • High-class social members usually had picnics with big feasts.
  • Picnics became more popular in 1789 after the French Revolution. Royal parks were opened to the public during this time.
  • Picnics in England were social events, especially in the Victorian Era during the 19th century.
  • A picnic society formed around 1802 celebrated French culture and had luxurious picnics.
  • The largest picnic took place on June 20, 2009, in Lisbon, Portugal, at Parque de Bela, where 22,232 people gathered. The Guinness Book of World Records recorded this event.
  • When the cherry blossoms bloom in Japan, they have a festival called Harami where people have picnics under cherry trees to celebrate a new season.
  • The word “picnic” is said to have come from the French word “Pique-nique,” which means a “meal eaten outdoors.”

How to Celebrate International Picnic Day:

Here are some options to consider when celebrating this day.

1. Go outside and find a new place

Find a new park in your area where you can have your picnic. Explore someplace new!

2. Think about foods to prepare for a picnic

Make a grocery list! Find and try many foods. Some picnic foods may include potato chips, salads, apples, angel food cake, carrots, watermelons, meatballs, corn, sparkling soda, hamburgers, potato salad, to name a few.  Also, International Picnic Day is the same day as International Sushi Day. So, grab a bento box from a local store and have sushi for a picnic! if you’re not a fan of sushi, try new sandwiches, such as turkey, fish, ham, cucumber, and so many more!

3. Have some games planned

If you want to be more active at your picnic, have some games planned. Games such as frisbee, tag, charades, and even a scavenger hunt are great to play outdoors after you have eaten. If you do not want to play a game, take a nature walk at the park or just stroll around your picnic location.

4. Find a nice place indoors

If you are unable to go outdoors, don’t worry! Find a nice place inside and lay out your blanket. Sometimes your own living room can be the perfect place for a fun and creative picnic.

5. Be social

See if your local community, town, or city has scheduled events for International Picnic Day. If there is such an event happening, join it! Make some new friends and enjoy some food!

6. Have some music ready

Have a playlist for a picnic, such as upbeat or soothing music. However, there is no better music than the music of nature which can be so relaxing to listen to.

Grab your picnic basket, go outside and enjoy International Picnic Day!

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Meagan Fuller

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