Recognizing the Sacrifices of Nurturers, Educators and Role Models on National Parents’ Day

Jul 28, 2024 | Main Blog | 0 comments

July 28, 2024 marks a special day— National Parents’ Day. Established in 1994, this day is dedicated to recognizing, celebrating, and honoring the incredible efforts and sacrifices parents make every day. Passed unanimously by Congress, the fourth Sunday of every July serves as a reminder to appreciate the role of parents in shaping our lives and communities.

“Parents are the root of America’s goodness. The greatest work of any individual, rich or poor, black or white, when it comes down to the evening of their life, is their children and grandchildren, the work of being a parent,” (Universal Peace Foundation

The day serves to recognize nurturers, educators, role models, and parental figures who shape the lives of children. The day serves to raise awareness, strengthen family bonds, and most importantly acknowledge and appreciate all that goes into parenting.

Parenthood is one of the most fulfilling jobs, but often thankless. National Parents’ Day operates on a local and national level to provide the much deserved gratitude and recognition that parents deserve.

Local Parents’ Day Committees are all over the nation with volunteers, public officials, and community leaders who come together to honor parents with gathered nominations and awards.

At the national level, the Universal Peace Federation hosts an award ceremony, welcoming state nominees to the Parents of the Year Banquet in Washington, D.C., with members of Congress and other dignitaries in attendance. The National Parents of the Year awards recognize parents who embody love, service, and dedication to their family and their local community.

Celebrating National Parents’ Day doesn’t have to happen outside of the home. There are numerous ways to enjoy the day with your family, including acts of gratitude such as:

  • Writing a letter
  • Dedicating the day to spending quality time together
  • Giving a small thoughtful gift
  • Hosting a family event or dinner
  • Volunteering together

National Parents’ Day is more than just a date; it’s a meaningful acknowledgment of the boundless love, sacrifices, and dedication that parents contribute to their families each day. As we celebrate July 28, 2024, make sure to take a moment to express gratitude for their love and support.

One of the most bittersweet parts of growing up is seeing your parents grow up too. Whether through small gestures, family gatherings, or community activities, make an effort on July 28th to spend time and appreciate the blessing that parents are.

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Olivia Marbury

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