College Advice I’d Give My Younger Self: Your Path is Unique to You!

Sep 23, 2024 | Main Blog | 0 comments

I can hardly believe it—I’m back for my final year at the University of Texas at Austin. Moving in for the last time feels surreal. There’s a bittersweetness that comes with realizing I’m on the cusp of closing one chapter and opening another. But if these past few years have taught me anything, it’s that it’s all just beginning and there is so much life to be had, enjoyed, and cherished!

When I first arrived on campus, I thought I knew it all. The excitement and newfound freedom—my God, the world was just beginning to unfold! I came with an open mind and heart, open to any and everything, and I can confidently say I leave with few regrets.

Though the regrets were few, the lessons didn’t come without pain, heartache, and just plain confusion at times. Re-reading my journal, I felt for the girl who was on top of the world one day and felt as though she’d lost it all the next. The girl who lost a friend, bagged the scholarship, broke up with the boy—and while I can now look back on those memories with rose-colored lenses and nostalgia-filled air, there’s plenty I wish I could’ve told her at the time.

So, for anyone just starting, or for even those in the thick of it, here’s the advice I’d give to my younger self—and anyone else navigating the chaos of college life:

1. It’s okay to not have it all figured out: Comparison is the thief of joy. It might seem like everyone around you knows exactly what they’re doing, but most of us are just figuring it out as we go. Your path is unique to you! No one knows your story, what it took to be in the position you’re in, or what you’re going through—in the same way, you never know what someone else went through or faced to be where they are.

2. Failures aren’t the end of the world: Rejection is redirection and most of the time, the skills you learn getting through failure are much more valuable than easy success. That failed exam, lost internship, or tough breakup might feel earth-shattering in the moment, but these experiences build resilience.

3. Take care of you: I can’t emphasize enough how much better my experience would have been if I had just taken care of my mind! Remember that your mind, body, and soul are all connected. Burnout is real, and it sneaks up on you when you’re least expecting it. Take breaks. Seek help when you need it. Your well-being will take you further than pushing through exhaustion ever will.

4. Prioritize friendships: Some of the people you meet in college will be with you for life; others might fade away, and that’s okay. Value the connections that matter and let go of the ones that no longer serve you. Remember, actions speak louder than words! Pay attention to how people make you feel and instead of focusing on whether they like you, ask yourself if you like them! Know what you value in a friend and be a good friend to others.

5. Try everything: Okay, maybe not everything, but put yourself out there. Say yes to things you normally wouldn’t. Join that club on campus that seems different, participate in events, volunteer—get your face and name out there so that you’re involved and active on campus! Being a familiar face on campus goes a lot farther than you think it would. You never know what doors could open up.

6. Never give yourself the “no”: This is your life and for the first time, you are fully in charge of it. Apply for that job, program, internship, or scholarship you feel unqualified for. Advocate for yourself. Don’t relinquish your power to the odds or others—make it happen for yourself!

7. Trust the process: There will be moments when everything feels uncertain, when you’ll question if you’re on the right path. That’s normal. Trust in the growth, the change, and the unknown. Life will unfold in ways you can’t predict.

As I prepare for my final year, I’m filled with nothing but gratitude—for the lessons, the heartbreaks, and the growth. College has been far from easy, but the best part is realizing that this is just the beginning. So whether you’re starting your first semester or finishing your last, embrace the messiness, trust yourself, and know that you’ll come out stronger on the other side.

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Olivia Marbury

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