World Menopause Month: Marking the Milestone with Empowerment and Celebration

Oct 21, 2024 | Main Blog | 0 comments

Menopause is a significant milestone that all women experience, and it’s natural to feel some apprehension about it. This is a completely normal phase of every woman’s life. It signifies the end of the reproductive cycle and ushers in a new and meaningful chapter. Let’s embrace this transition with kindness and recognize the wisdom and strength that come with it. This blog will explore the phases of menopause, common symptoms, outdated myths, and why this journey should be celebrated rather than stigmatized.

Understanding Menopause

Menopause is a natural part of aging that occurs when a woman has her last menstrual cycle and hasn’t had a period in 12 months. Post-menopause starts after reaching the one-year mark. Perimenopause is the initial onset of menopause, typically beginning between the ages of 40 and 45, and is usually accompanied by symptoms like hot flashes and sleep disturbances. This transition can increase health risks, but resources are abundant, and options are available to alleviate symptoms and support a smooth transition.

Common Symptoms

Every woman will experience menopause differently, but common symptoms include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Sleep problems
  • Mood changes
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

Understanding these symptoms can help women feel more prepared and less isolated during their menopausal journey. Talking openly to your doctor about any concerns is crucial. If you believe you’re not being heard or your symptoms are being downplayed, it’s time to find a new doctor!

Plenty of organizations exist solely to support menopausal women, offering community, information, and medical assistance. A few of them are linked below:

Myths vs. Reality

Menopause is often surrounded by myths that can lead to unnecessary worry. For instance, many people fear that Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) increases the risks of blood clots, cardiovascular diseases, and cancers. However, these fears are largely unfounded. When used appropriately, HRT can effectively alleviate many menopausal symptoms.

HRT can help manage symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats, improving overall quality of life. If you are considering HRT or want to learn more about it, refer to our article here:

Ladies, It’s Your Choice: Hormone Replacement Therapy and Menopause Truths | Her Nexx Chapter

Another misconception is the notion that menopause never occurs in younger women. Perimenopause can start a decade before menopause and can begin in a woman’s early 20s. It is crucial to visit your doctor regularly to detect early-onset menopause.

HRT is not the only treatment available to alleviate symptoms. If HRT is not a desirable solution, changing lifestyle habits can improve the experience of menopause. Regular sleep and exercise, a healthy diet, and being mindful of your body can make a positive difference.

Empowerment and Celebration

Menopause is a significant milestone that marks the resilience and strength of womanhood. In Japan, the word for menopause is konenki. Ko means “renewal” and “regeneration,” nen means “year,” and ki means “season” or “energy.” Compare that to the Greek root of menopause, in which men is the root for minas, or “month,” and pausis means “stop” or “cease.” Although our Greek-rooted word for this milestone doesn’t have the most uplifting translation, we can change what menopause means to us and consider what the Japanese translation of konenki expresses. Celebrate this transition as a period of wisdom and renewal. Embrace menopause as a celebration of survival and growth. It is a testament to the strength of all the women who came before us. Menopause turns the page to a new chapter of a woman’s life waiting to be explored.

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Nadya Strudell

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