The Power of a Simple Thank You Note – More Than Just Good Etiquette

Dec 26, 2024 | Main Blog | 1 comment

If gratitude were on everyone’s hearts and lips more often, the world would be a nicer place to live, work and just be. That simple yet powerful truth fits the purpose behind the designation of December 26 as National Thank You Note Day.

Appropriately positioned on the day after Christmas, National Thank You Note Day reminds us why this personal – and some might say lost – social custom is essential to the quality of our daily lives.

We can all recognize that thanking people who take the time to send us a gift is good etiquette. More than that, practicing gratitude is vital to our well-being. Writing and receiving thank you notes generates the type of positive emotions that are essential to our personal and professional happiness. Some of the wealthiest people have discovered the value of practicing gratitude daily. Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Tony Robbins and Lady Gaga all credit a level of their success to the practice and encourage others to do it.

Most people agree that our mindset at the start of our day influences how we carry ourselves and what we accomplish. When we approach our work (and other people) with gratitude, we are reminded that we have more to be thankful for than to complain about – which can positively guide our actions and reactions to the people and tasks we face throughout our day.

The act of sending a thank you note is a gift in itself. When we shop for someone, it makes us take the time to think about the person, their likes and dislikes and what is important to them right now. We all love the feeling of choosing and giving someone something we believe will be well received. When we receive a timely and thoughtfully written thank you note, we know our gift did precisely that. What a great feeling to give to someone – and to ourselves.

A thank you note is a tangible reminder that we are seen and appreciated. I don’t know anyone who couldn’t use more of that in their life. When we read a thoughtfully worded thank you note, we are rewarded for our decision to do something for someone else, and we get to feel those good feelings all over again.

So, what makes a thank you note effective? In my opinion, it’s speed and detail. First, the speed at which the note is received (late is not always better than never), and second, the detail in the note of exactly why the gift is so meaningful.

Being so excited that you couldn’t wait to thank your gifter will make an immense impression on them, making them feel genuinely appreciated. A good practice is to get a thank you note in the mail within a week of receiving a gift. Timing is everything in many situations, including writing thank you notes.

The more detail you can include in your thank you note as to how this gift makes you feel is key to making your gift giver as delighted as you are. Being specific about why it is so great is the secret sauce to creating the win-win of positive emotions for everyone.

Over the years, I’ve challenged myself to make writing thank you notes the first thing I do when I sit at my desk each day. I just know it would give me the positive energy that could help me do everything on my list a little better. I haven’t yet made this a daily habit, but writing this blog has inspired me to try again.

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1 Comment

  1. Elsbeth Brown

    Great tips! And such a timely reminder. Thank you!


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Tracy Brown

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