Spiritual wellness is an important part of one’s life and can include gratitude, purpose and so much more.
Here are some signs of good spiritual wellness:
- Developing a purpose for life
- Having the ability to spend reflective time alone
- Having a clear sense of right and wrong
- Having the ability to explain why you believe in something
- Being able to be forgiving and have compassion
Questions to help with spiritual wellness:
- Do you allow yourself time alone?
- Do you sometimes think about the meaning of life?
- Do you practice things that allow you to slow down?
- Do you make time for meditation, a quiet moment, etc.?
- Do you feel a sense of direction or purpose in your life?
- Do you express feelings of gratitude for what you have?
- Do you take breaks from your phone or technology in general?
- Do you have things to slow yourself down?
There are many ways to explore spiritual wellness, and it will be different for each person. There is no one way to experience spiritual wellness. In fact, there are many ways to practice spiritual wellness, and here are a few recommendations to start with:
- Keep a gratitude journal. This can include what works best for you. Make it simple; look for the good throughout the day and try to remember as many details as possible.
- Discover your sense of purpose. Having a sense of purpose can help extend your life.
- Determine your values, research them, and find the ones that resonate the most with you. Try to align your values with your behavior.
- Explore your purpose, either through volunteering or whatever brings you purpose.
- Realize that a sense of purpose can change.
Her Nexx Chapter’s Wellcore Wellness app can help with your spiritual wellness. You’re invited to check out HNC Wellcore with a free 30-day trial. Simply click here and use the code HNCWELL to begin making steps on your journey to wellness!
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