Here we are…just a week until Christmas which means the holiday anxiety has kicked into overdrive. A to-do list a mile long which I am sure has things such as baking, watching Christmas movies, looking at Christmas lights, and oh yeah… buying gifts for all the people!!! Then pure panic mode sets in because you still have so many people to buy for, but you have no clue what to get them. But have you stopped to ask yourself why? Why do we basically kill ourselves trying to find the “perfect” gifts?
Why do we stress ourselves out?
Why are we bumping elbows in overcrowded malls and literally fighting for things in the local Walmart?
This is NOT what the true meaning of giving is.
True giving comes from your heart.
You know what I have realized over the last few years?
There is no perfect gift.
And within a few days, weeks, months most gifts given will be forgotten. Appreciated, but just forgotten due to getting back in the swing of everyday life.
So again, why do we kill ourselves? Why do we believe we have to spend a certain amount for our gift to be worthy?
Let me let you in on a little something…your gift was worthy and enough the moment you decided to get something for that person. No matter what the gift it will be perfect as long as you are intentional, and it comes from the heart.
You know as I look back over my life and past Christmases and the gifts I have received, my favorites have been…
Experiences such as trips, season passes to things, concert tickets
Someone giving their time to help
Giving a handmade, thoughtful gift
Or when they genuinely listened to me and the things I said I liked or wanted and remembered and bought one of those items.
All of these gifts brought beautiful, priceless memories and feelings that have lasted much longer than any expensive “perfect” gift.
This holiday season I challenge you to give yourself grace. Remind yourself that there is no such thing as the “perfect” gift and that is perfectly okay! Now take a deep breath and go enjoy the last week before Christmas.
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- Giving The “Perfect” Gift - December 18, 2019
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