It’s lit. Or is it groovy? Slang or informal language that is usually spoken rather than written is unique to each generation. The 1950s for example had words like Dolly (cute girl) and party pooper (someone who is not fun to be around). Although some words are recognizable for each generation, some are unique to a generation, i.e., “horn” (telephone) or even more recent ones like “Sus” (suspicious). There is even different slang for different groups. For example, “ghetto” (or ridiculous) is more African American slang while “telly” is slang for Britain. However, there are still some generational differences between generations. For example, one of us who was a product of the 60s would often say when life was running wild and there’s no resolution in sight, “This is not the Donna Reed Show.” People from the 90s and onward don’t understand because they don’t know who Donna Reed is (an actress famous for her television show and the role of the wife in It’s a Wonderful Life – we assume everyone knows that movie, but then again, maybe it’s another generational thing). It was what we would call a sitcom today and the problems of each show were resolved by the end. Nice idea – life doesn’t work like that.
From the 50s “greaser,” to the 60s “groovy”, onto the 70s “Right On!” to “LOL,” the generations create slang with meanings that very well could cause confusion – and some totally blank stares.
Here are some lists of popular slang heard throughout the 1950s to 2020s:
- Bash ears – talk too much
- Ankle-Biter – A small child
- Beatnik – young person who is into drugs, music, etc.
- Bird-Dog – Someone who tries to steal your girlfriend
- Circled – married
- Dreamboat – a cute guy
- Fast – A person who quickly starts dating and having sex
- Greaser – A tough guy or a guy who uses a lot of hair grease
- Queen – A popular girl
- Wet rag – someone who is boring
- Peepers – glasses
- Barf – Vomit
- Flip your lid – Going crazy
- Hip – Place or person who is fashionable
- Groovy – Something very pleasant or cool
- Chop – To cut someone down verbally
- Lame – Uncool, disappointing, not exciting
- “Beam me up, Scotty” (Star Trek)
- Book ‘em Danu (Hawaii 5-0)
- Sock it to ‘em (Laugh In)
- Lucy! You got some ‘splaining to do! (I Love Lucy)
- Danger, Will Robinson! (Lost in Space)
- Dream on – Mocking someone’s dreams; from an Aerosmith song
- Right on! – In agreement with someone
- Boogie – Dancing
- Later Days – Goodbye
- Crib – Home or apartment
- Groovy – Cool in a hip way
- Bounce – To leave a place
- Dip – To leave quickly
- Mosey – To leave or move slowly
- Awesome – Extremely impressive or excellent
- Radical – Impressive or cool
- Betty – A pretty girl
- Fly – means cool
- All that
- As if!
- The Bomb (Da Bomb)
- Booyah
- Home skillet
- Dodgy
- Scrub
- Boo
- Chillin’ like a villain
- I’m outtie
- Dip (Let’s Dip)
- Whatever, Major Loser
- Chillax
- Crusty
- Crip
- Eat my shorts
- Dope
- Kickin’
- Hella
- Homie
- Jiggy (Let’s get Jiggy with it)
- Lame
- Fresh
- Mondo
- My bad
- Oh snap
- Gig
2000s, 2010s and 2020s (Generation Z, Generation Alpha)
- It’s alright – It’s fine
- Off the Chain – Exciting, impressive
- Based – Cool (opposite of cringe)
- Lit – Cool
- Cap – You’re lying.
- Sus – Suspicious
- Lowkey – Easygoing
- Extra – Doing too much
- Slay – Performing well
- Ate – Really good
- Rizz – Charisma
- Delulu – Delusional
- Drip – Has good style or fashion sense
- Got em – Got them surprised
- It’s giving – Having a specific feeling
- Bruh – Can show a range of emotions, using disappointment
- Boi – Related to LGBT community
- Cringe – Something awful
- Fire – Cool
- Oof – Messed up with something
- Yeet – Throwing something
- Peridot – Ending the conservation
- Bye Felicia – Dismissing something
- Lol – Laugh out loud
- “He’s not him”- Someone acting out of character
- “My man’s”- agreement
- Caught slipping – caught off guard or not doing something good
- Give me the tea – Gossip
- Fur baby – Pet
- Grimace shake – Tik Tok trend where people filmed themselves drinking the shake and then acting as though they are involved in a crime scene.
- Rick rolling – An internet prank involving “Never gonna give you up” by Rick Astley.
- Cancelled – Stop supporting someone on social media.
- Messy – Complicated, gossip
- Simp – Doing too much for someone they like
- Throwing shade – Expressing contempt or disrespect towards someone
Some words can be recognized across each generation:
- Tummy – Stomach
- Dead on – Extremely accurate or correct
- Fold ‘em – Poker move
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