Oddly enough, when you stop “trying” so hard and actually start TRUSTING yourself – your Divine self begins to rush in with the things you were trying so hard to get. It’s like life is just trying to show you that the more you try to control the situation, the further away you get from the answers.
I actually don’t believe this stops you from getting to where you’re going, but it will keep blocking your way, holding you back. The rock that hit you upside your head was the first warning and it will eventually become a boulder; if you aren’t paying attention and taking action toward listening to these signs, things will get more difficult.
Life is a miracle!
It took the majority of my life to wake up to this, but I’m so grateful that I did. Because the miracle of life is just that – You are a miracle JUST because you exist.
And when you can realize you really are that special and empower yourself to LISTEN to the calling inside of you – you will be fully supported in your efforts. I’m paying attention. I’m finally awake to the life within me.
It’s not easy and I would never tell you that it was. But the day you can actually realize and act on it becomes one of the most powerful and life-changing things you can do. When you go within and awaken, everything you want becomes possible.
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About Our Author
Angie Grimes