Be Your Own Advocate: Be Breast Cancer Aware

Oct 10, 2019 | 0 comments

Did you know that women who have dense breasts have a higher risk of developing breast cancer? Furthermore, half of all women ages 40 and older have dense breasts according to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. What are dense breasts anyways? These are just two facts that I learned about recently when asking that question and researching for more information.

Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I encourage you to learn more as well. Education is key as well as communication and raising awareness that early detection can save lives.

Be proactive in your health! Learn how to perform breast self-exams at least monthly to become familiar with how your breasts look and feel normally. Talk to your healthcare provider if you notice changes or have questions. Women who establish a regular routine of breast self-exams are able to detect changes and alert their healthcare providers for follow-up. Get a mammogram. Often mammogram screenings can detect a tumor before it can be felt.

Some other things you can do:

  • Learn your family history
  • Be proactive in your health
  • Learn about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer
  • Ask questions and talk to your healthcare provider
  • Be your own best advocate
  • Pass along what you learn to a friend to help raise awareness about breast cancer

So friend, I encourage you to set a goal for October to learn more about breast cancer as I am.

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Melinda Medeiros
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