A Time to Reflect

Nov 26, 2020 | 0 comments

Is it almost December? If you are like me, 2020 may have passed by in a flash, with little to no recollection of what happened during the months in between. But a new year is soon arriving and before every new year comes the holiday season!

With the year being gloom and doom with no end in sight, it is all the more important to reflect on the soon-to-pass, but never forgotten 2020. There are people who made use of the time to delve into the intricate arts of baking, while others reached out to family and friends who they have not spoken to in years. Maybe others of you simply stayed at home catching up on the movies you’ve wanted to watch for months. Regardless, there are always things to celebrate, even if you have to dig a little deeper just to recall them.

This year I have:

  • Started a new job
  • Completed a highly popular workout challenge
  • Video-called a friend I haven’t spoken to in two years

Those things all took place in the first half of the year; the second half did indeed pass in a blur. However, the reflection helped me rekindle my motivation and sense of hope that 2020 will not be remembered only for the untimely COVID-19 isolation.

While you and I may not be able to travel for the holiday season to physically meet loved ones or spend a night out with music and food, we are lucky enough to live in an age where I can see you on my screen despite a 12-hour time difference while indulging in a turkey dinner prepared and delivered by my fellow, hardworking citizens. So as the year slowly comes to an end, I will be in my room playing some holiday tunes, sending my well wishes to my loved ones (from afar) and enjoying a nice, relaxed meal. I hope you will all do the same in the safety of your home. Then, when that clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, join with me as we all say farewell to 2020. And give a warm and joyous welcome to 2021!

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Hazel Chew

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