Do Your Resolutions for 2021 Include Working Out More?

Jan 29, 2021 | 0 comments

Every year as the calendar turns to January 1, the making of New Year’s resolutions begin. The number one resolution is always related to health. I have always read and heard people talking about going to the gym and working out more. The local gym starts their promotions for memberships, and the retail shops have workout gear on display. With the year 2020 being totally different, I am guessing your health resolutions for this year may also be very different; well, it sure is for me. This year I decided to not rely on the gym but to take control of my health by my own design, hence home set up is the way.

How to start the home set up? This is what I have done and what will help you in getting started as well

Budget: Establish a budget. You need to know in advance how much you are willing to spend. This will help you stay on track when spending money on equipment.

Yoga mat: Start with the basic yoga mat. If you are creative and want to have it personalized, check out the various websites where you can have that done according to your taste.

Online classes: If you miss your gym classes and want to bring the same experience inside your home, then sign up for some online classes. Check out your local gym as maybe they have some which are covered in your membership.

Get a fitness tracker: A fitness tracker device is what will keep you accountable. Find one that fits your budget and get it. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

Being in nature: This has become a new trend lately. Being outside, if the weather permits, is the trend everyone is talking about. The health benefits are not just weight loss but also a boost to your mental health. So, go on and enjoy the great outdoors if you can. 

Feeling motivated to make 2021 the year of better health leading to greater happiness? Good, let’s do this!

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Garima Chandra

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