Love Note Day: Taking Sweet Messages in a Lunch Box to a Whole New Level

Sep 26, 2021 | 0 comments

It is Love Note Day. Now it may seem as though there is a “day” for every possible item or event, but It’s hard not to get behind a day that is all about love, without the pressure of that other red-hearts, winter month love day!

There are many creative ways to participate in this day beyond the traditional note-in-a-lunch box idea.  (Although that is always a good one!)  Below are a few that might spark your imagination.

Our daughter put post-it notes all over her bedroom with a long, divided-up sentence about how much she loved and appreciated her dad and me. We found it after we came home from moving her to college and it meant so much to us in that transition. Whose room, cubicle, or automobile can you paper with encouraging notes that create a kind of fun scavenger hunt?

That same daughter gave me a small mason jar with folded-up notes on pretty paper. Half the notes were literary quotes, and the other half were Bible verses. All of them were designed to make me feel loved. A small note on the lid encouraged me to read one whenever I needed a pick-me-up. It was a gift that lasted several months. Then I piled them back in and started all over again.  

My creative friend has posted a large “Welcome home, we love you” note on her front yard for her spouse to see when driving home after a long trip out of town. She has done the same for graduations, birthdays, and “there-is-nothing-special-about-today-except-that-I-love-you” days.

Don’t worry about your level of creativity. Keep it simple! Penning a note using lipstick on the mirror is a tried and true one. Grab a store-bought cake, a tube of icing, and make a sweet love note for dessert.  Post a note on their favorite food in the pantry or fridge, or on their favorite tea or coffee mug. Can’t you just imagine their face when they reach for their usual item on their usual day and read any version of “I love you”?   

Love notes don’t have to be written. Leave a love note voicemail on their phone that they can keep forever. Hug them and say “I love you” because… Show them your love by doing a chore they hate or an errand that will save them time if you do it.

Love notes aren’t just for family members. Appreciate your mailperson? Stick a card in the mail letting them know you value them. Wondering if a neighbor is lonely? Share the love with flowers from your garden with a note asking them to reach out if they need anything.    

Whichever way you decide to participate in Love Note Day you’ll be making a difference in a world that can use large doses of love right now. Here’s my note to you:  Thank you for spreading the love!

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Allison Olson

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