How to be Happier at Work: Part One

Nov 12, 2019 | 0 comments

No matter how great the fit, there are periods where everything just feels flat at work. Sometimes when we start to stagnate, we think it’s time to look for a new job, but often we just need to get reinvigorated. 

Here are 3 easy ways to be happier at work:

1. Maximize your benefits. Many employees don’t take full advantage of their benefits. When’s the last time you reviewed yours? Many companies offer gym discounts, continuing ed, time off for volunteer hours. I’m talking the niceties beyond medical, dental and PTO. We saved 5% when buying our son’s school computer using a program through my husband’s employer. My friend’s company offers college advising through their Employee Assistance Program. 

These are often small extras, but these types of savings and support can and do add up. More importantly, they create a feeling of good will. Take a little time and reacquaint yourself with your rewards and see if there isn’t something you’ve overlooked or could take advantage of that would save you time or money.

2. Get engaged. Have you been hiding out in your cubicle? When we start to feel underwhelmed at work we often pull away and isolate ourselves. Make the effort to socialize and really get to know the people you work with. 

Be intentional and branch out. Go out to lunch more with co-workers and old colleagues, but also think about key people you want and need to know better. Build networking into your workday. A quick coffee. Drinks after work. Time on LinkedIn.  

3. Focus on the positive. Gratitude will always improve your attitude. For years Oprah has touted her gratitude journal as an important daily practice. Counting your blessing at the end of each day is a wonderful habit. What if you began to be conscious of what you are grateful for in your career? 

Before you leave the office each day, I encourage you to make a list of 3 things you are grateful for that happened during your workday. See if your energy about your job doesn’t shift. I have a funny feeling you will begin to notice new and exciting opportunities.

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