Motherhood, Career, and Balance: A Journey of Overcoming and Achievements

Being a mother is a transformative role. But balancing its responsibilities with a successful career can be a daunting challenge,...
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Motherhood, Career, and Balance: A Journey of Overcoming and Achievements

Single and Thriving: How Taking Time for Yourself Empowers You as a Woman

After my then-husband decided to pack his things and leave, I was left alone in what used to be our...
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Single and Thriving: How Taking Time for Yourself Empowers You as a Woman

Red Light Therapy Can Be Anti-Aging, Decrease Inflammation and Enhance Skin

Red light therapy (abbreviated as RLT) is one of science’s newest aids for healthy living. Many of us think of...
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Red Light Therapy Can Be Anti-Aging, Decrease Inflammation and Enhance Skin

Social Media Usage and its Impact on Youth Mental Health

Social media is a central fixture of our everyday lives. While it can be effective for communication and education, it...
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Social Media Usage and its Impact on Youth Mental Health

Eating Well on a Budget: Stick to Nutrient-Dense Foods and Cook More Often

Eating well today takes some effort, especially if you are on a budget as most of the subsidized foods are...
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Eating Well on a Budget: Stick to Nutrient-Dense Foods and Cook More Often
Managing Your Career: What’s Next?

Managing Your Career: What’s Next?

Right now, it’s easy to feel a bit limited. We’ve been in lockdown to some varying degree since March. Many have faced job loss. Others have faced increasing pressures to do more with less and juggle to keep things going at work and at home. It’s easy to give into...

Do I Need to Write a Cover Letter?

Do I Need to Write a Cover Letter?

Yes! While the statistical and anecdotal evidence varies, a cover letter will help you stand out. Just this year ResumeLab surveyed 200 hiring decision-makers to get their feedback on cover letters. According to their survey, 83% of respondents claimed that a great...

Job Searching in Uncertain Times

Job Searching in Uncertain Times

Whether you had already been engaged in an active job search or you’ve just lost your job, I know it’s a terribly stressful time to be unemployed. The basic advice I gave in my related post, Career Planning During the COVID-19 Crisis, holds true: all the same job...

Finding the Right Fit

Finding the Right Fit

Interviewing can be as nerve-wracking as dating. And just like dating you are trying to figure out if you are compatible. A good match is based on authenticity. It’s based on what you are really like. Not your idealized version of yourself. Not clever marketing on...

How to be Happier at Work: Part Two

How to be Happier at Work: Part Two

Many years ago, when I studied abroad in Spain, my fellow students and I noticed that people generally seemed more relaxed and social, more joyful. Our Spanish friends and teachers explained that unlike Americans they worked to live, not lived to work.  Being fully...

How to be Happier at Work: Part One

How to be Happier at Work: Part One

No matter how great the fit, there are periods where everything just feels flat at work. Sometimes when we start to stagnate, we think it’s time to look for a new job, but often we just need to get reinvigorated.  Here are 3 easy ways to be happier at work: 1....

My Favorite Coaching Success Story

My Favorite Coaching Success Story

The coaching experience I hold near and dear to my heart happened with a mother who came to one of my workshops. It’s a little different from a 1:1 coaching session, as this was a group experience, but that is similar to how my Virtual Program sessions will run, so...

Disclaimer: Information provided herein by Her Nexx Chapter are resources designed to help women better understand healthcare alternatives, health awareness, and general medical information. Individuals are urged to consult with qualified healthcare providers for diagnosis and treatment and for answers to their personal health questions.