This Time It’s About Me: A Celebration of Self

Nov 9, 2020 | 1 comment

What if the beast in The Beauty and The Beast loved himself unconditionally? What if we took that same approach – loving ourselves, just as we are? We’re surrounded by so much noise in today’s world, noise that buries our self-worth in other people’s opinions, social media likes or our incapabilities. A wise person once said, “The success of all your other relationships depends on the relationship you have with yourself.” Take a moment to think, when was the last time you worked on your relationship with yourself? This doesn’t mean looking into the mirror and telling yourself that you’re awesome. Self-love is an everyday thing; it’s about listening to your own thoughts and feelings and giving your mind and body what it needs. It’s taking time to celebrate yourself and your achievements – no matter how big or small, knowing that you are worthy of it. 

More often than not life gets to us and we begin to see ourselves from the lens of our boss, partners, friends or even parents. We tend to focus a lot more on what we don’t have as opposed to what we’re blessed with. Life can be so beautiful if we learn to celebrate ourselves. It can teach us to be positive and grateful, to enjoy the journey and not focus only on the destination. This can help instill a new confidence in us which can be a most powerful feeling. If we don’t love who we are then how do we show up to the rest of the world? 

Here are some ways to celebrate yourself and practice self-love:

  • Write a letter to your future self about how proud you are of everything you’ve done
  • Stop comparing yourself to others and realize that your story is unique, and you own it
  • Nourish yourself daily with good sleep, physical activity and healthy social interactions 
  • Let go of past baggage and wounds – seek out loved ones, journaling and setting strong boundaries are helpful methods
  • Make gratitude a priority. Just writing 3 things to be grateful for everyday can lead to a strong mindset change.

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Commit to celebrating yourself today and every day! We’ll be celebrating right along with you!

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The Future of Connection for Women

Natasha Shah
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