Cultivating a Business Mindset: Gain Your Power Back

Feb 22, 2021 | 0 comments

Businesswomen wear many hats, as they are making sure everything gets done, and it is common to get lost in the day-to-day activities. Cultivating a business mindset is crucial when running a business. A business mindset simply means training the mind to set intentional goals for the day, the month, and the year. Reacting to what the day throws at you will keep you away from reaching your goals, and it will end in exhaustion, frustration, and lack of motivation. Cultivating a business mindset means no longer reacting to the outside noise, but instead becoming more intentional about the day and what you engage with. So, how do you develop a business mindset? 

Be Curious

It starts with observing where your time is going throughout the day. Identify those distractions and all the noise that is keeping you away from your goals. Another set of distractions can be created by avoiding certain areas of your life, such as dealing with finances, postponing tough conversations, and managing others. For example, if you feel uncomfortable around finances, you will probably find distractions to keep you from reviewing your books or knowing the financial health of your business. Neglecting these areas in your business will not allow you to make impactful decisions.  

Be Kind to Yourself 

When you catch yourself engaged with distractions, let go of any guilt or shame. Instead, practice being kind to yourself. Allow yourself to “mess up.” Remind yourself that you are doing the best you can, and you will not master this in one day. The biggest lesson here is that you are starting to create awareness of those distractions. Applaud yourself for making progress, it all starts with awareness! The point here is not to ever engage with distractions, but rather be intentional when you do. This means you take control of when or whether they have any influence over your day.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Once you have created awareness towards your distractions, the hard part is not engaging with them. This will require a ton of practice. A good way to disengage with a distraction is reminding yourself of your goal, or even better, reminding yourself of your “why.” Why did you start a business in the first place? This will allow you to stay motivated and help you move away from those distractions. Time blocking is helpful when you have trained the mind. Otherwise, you may find yourself distracted while you have blocked time. A better approach is allowing yourself to engage with those distractions but give yourself a time limit. Let’s say you want to engage in social media (as a distraction), then go ahead and allow yourself to be on social media for 30 minutes. This approach works as you will not feel restricted. Try different things, get creative. The goal is not to feel limited but to feel empowered. 

Cultivating a business mindset will set you free and will help you gain your power back. As you start observing where your time is going and what distractions you are engaging with, you can start identifying what areas require your attention. You will need to get uncomfortable facing those areas you have been neglecting. This is where you’ll gain your power back.

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