Age is Just a Number on As Young As You Feel Day: Live Spontaneously!

Mar 22, 2021 | 0 comments

March 22 marks As Young As You Feel Day, which was established by Thomas Roy and his wife, Ruth Roy. Says Roy: “Now more than ever you are as young as you feel. So, stop acting your chronological age and get out there and start feeling peppy!”

We may recall our younger days, thinking about the good times. We sometimes recreate the past by looking back at small mementos, like an old prom dress or a familiar journal, that remind us of our youth. These mementos connect us back to previous chapters in our life, remembering the treasured times, the carefree lifestyle, and the endless curiosity.

But the truth is our youth never truly disappeared.

At a young age, we establish a bucket list of things we want to do. We might think about backpacking around Europe or going to a music festival in Southern California. Sometimes, it could be exploring our talents, like singing or playing a sport. For me, I drew a lot when I was a kid. I used to doodle during class and even imagine my own characters. From there, I knew that I wanted to publish a story. These moments, like my own, could lead us to create a list of things that we want to do in life.

However, life can move too fast as we grow up. Bills, mortgages, and money become our main priorities, and our youthful dreams change. As we become busier, we end up forgetting our youthful bucket list, leaving us to neglect our dreams and wants.

As Young As You Feel Day not only reminds us that we can do anything regardless of our age, but it also reminds us that it is never too late to do things that we want to do. As we continue to grow, it is okay for our own goals to change. However, we need to remember that the bucket list of our earlier years is still achievable at any chapter of our lives.

Looking back, I sometimes want to tell my younger self to pursue an art degree instead of worrying about the competition. I thought by now I would be a better creative if I did pursue art school. But now, I know I can create and share my work because it gives happiness and excitement, just like when I was younger.

Today, satisfy your youthful curiosity and live your life doing the things that you want to do. As William Feather once said, “One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.”

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