What Would I Tell My Younger Self? Listen to That Little Voice in Your Head

Dec 8, 2021 | 0 comments

Growing isn’t easy. We go through so many phases in life, it seems like it is never-ending. But I came to the realisation that this is the beauty of it because the possibilities are endless. As far as I remember, I always felt growing led to my becoming another version of myself. As if I needed to try to become who I was destined to be. Today, I can proudly say that I am the best version of myself; I am proud of it, but it was a journey! Reflecting on what the past 10 or 20 years of my life have been, I think a lot about what I would tell my younger self. How I wish I could go back in time and tell her that no matter what, she is going to be fine. Because she is strong, resilient and she never gives up.

I would tell her that I believe her when she feels that her environment is not made for her to become a healthy, responsible adult, and she is right to listen to that little inner voice telling her to go and see the world.

I would encourage her to work on herself to push and find her limits instead of believing in this pre-made path society and family try to make her follow.

I would also tell her not to be afraid, because every decision she will make will lead her to the person she had always aspired to be, and she will finally be happy. She might make mistakes, but they will be life lessons.

It wasn’t always easy. For so long I believed that the life I was living was enough, that I should be grateful, but it was never enough. Because I knew something else was waiting for me. It wasn’t about having more; it was about doing things differently. Making projects without any fear of rejection or failure. Discovering and exploring countries, cultures, paths, to find the best fit. Not being afraid to be yourself because you are awesome, unique in your own way and people would like you for that. The day I understood that, was the first day of the rest of my life. I started to live, not survive. I had to uproot myself from everything and everyone I’ve ever known as if I was starting my life from the beginning but at age 25. I went through a lot of trial and error, but I realized you can’t erase 25 years of experience. I learned a great deal, and those lessons still guide me every day, as I am about to turn 30 and grow into yet a new chapter in my life.

After living in three different countries, I believe that it is never easy to adapt and start over. But if you are brave enough to try, the outcome will be more rewarding than watching your life pass by because you are afraid to make a move. If I had let people convince me not to do it, I would not be writing those words today. If I had let people project their own fears on me, I would not be the person I am today.

I want to inspire people to try, do anything they have in mind because we are stronger than we think. Surround yourself with people who will lift you up, support you and encourage you to develop your projects and your passions, and won’t judge you for what you try, because they will be there no matter what happens. And remember, what if what you are dreaming about really does happen?

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Sixtine Walsh

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