“When I Grow Up” – The Journey

Jan 18, 2022 | 0 comments

“When I grow up…” was a promise I made to this little girl in the picture; how can I let her down?

She has gone through a lot, changed her place multiple times to adjust to the environment, but she couldn’t change her dreams. She does not know how to give up; she endured pain, pushing against the odds for the sake of hope. She saw rock bottom, and she saw mountain peaks. She has worked too hard to “grow up” only to see herself as a whole, be who she has envisioned in service of God and his creation.

She is not there yet, and I am working to make sure I fulfill my promise; because one only fails when one quits. Perseverance, my darling, is an attribute of a strong woman.

So that is how Nida Jawed is growing up, growing in her being. She is living her life, and God knows how much is left, but one thing for sure, she isn’t done growing up yet.

Here are some questions for you to think about:

  • What was your “When I grow up…” statement?
  • What promises did you make to your younger self, and how are you fulfilling them?
  • Do you feel you are who you envisioned? If not, when did you give up on yourself?

And the last question:

  • Given the opportunity, would you want to try fulfilling your promises to your little self?

If you answered yes, click here https://calendly.com/njlc. Fifteen minutes of the mini session can change the rest of your adult life.

It is your choice; you can either learn to fulfill your life, grow up to be the person you once believed you could be, or give up on it and go with the flow. I wish you the best with your choice.

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Nida Jawed
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