Chef Ahki: Creating Recipes to Help You “Get Healthy by Any Greens Necessary”

Jul 18, 2022 | Main Blog | 0 comments

Although known for her cookbook promoting electric foods, Sepsenahki Taylor, also known as Chef Ahki, gives off a tangible electric energy in everything she does. Her passion for natural foods has catapulted her into being a nutritionist, celebrity chef, and author of cookbooks on healthy eating. Her purpose is to “inspire women and daughters to take control of their own wellness” through her daily recipes, online classes, and books. However, it doesn’t bother her if she “ruffles your feathers, as long as you walk away empowered and inspired to Get Healthy by Any Greens Necessary.” With over 42 thousand YouTube subscribers and countless videos, it is hard to ignore the impact Chef Ahki makes on people.

Chef Ahki has always been “influenced by the healing power of herbs and eastern traditional medicine.” Growing up under the wing of four generations of women inspired by Indigenous foods and alternative ways of living, she is no stranger to a more natural diet. Her memories of working in her grandparent’s garden left her with a knowledge of food that many American children don’t have the opportunity to learn. At 18, she wanted to have a deeper understanding of her health and began to seriously focus on eating more of a plant-based diet. She learned more when receiving her bachelor’s in Naturopathic Science and Holistic Theology, in her own extensive research, and experimenting with vegan food. Eventually, this led her to discover a diet focused on non-hybrid and alkaline foods to address preventative health, especially for vegans and vegetarians in receiving necessary nutrients. A non-hybrid food is a plant that has not been combined with another species, which she believes changes the integrity of the plant because it becomes more of a starchy and acidic food. Alkaline foods are thought to promote healthy cellular function over more acidic foods that can prevent nutrients from entering your system. However, she does promote eating some acidic foods to stay balanced and healthy. Eating this way required her to be both creative with limited options and be open to ancient foods she had never eaten before, like Asian and Caribbean cuisine. Chef Ahki’s belief in the impact of this non-hybrid and alkaline diet led her to introduce it to other women and help them through their own health journey.

Chef Ahki knows better than anyone that going on this health journey and finding electric non-hybrid foods can be unclear and difficult. To help her vegan clients who want to take that next step toward health by incorporating these foods into their diet, she uses many different avenues to meet them where they are. She fills her website with courses, eBooks, meal plans, and articles. She’ll even consult with women on their grocery lists and show them where to find markets in their area, either conventional or local gardens, to easily find non-hybrid foods. While working with her clients, Chef Ahki makes sure to consider their tastes, schedules, and lifestyle to make eating non-hybrid foods yummy and as convenient as possible.

Over the years, Chef Ahki has compiled all her knowledge into a few different cookbooks, namely, Electric: A Modern Guide to Non-Hybrid & Wild Foods and The Fibroid Elimination Recipe Guide. The Electric cookbook not only explains the why and how of adopting the non-hybrid and alkaline diet, but also provides historical references to Indigenous foods and how we are sometimes affected by new GMO mono crops foods. The Fibroid Elimination Recipe Guide is an instructional manual to eliminate uterine fibroids in at least 40 days, all based on dietary research and clinical trials. It is evident in these cookbooks that she wants to marry science with a natural foods approach to help women who struggle with getting enough nutrients to treat their illnesses. Her passion and alternative approach to a vegan diet has inspired many to enjoy nature’s food and see how maybe eating salad is kind of like eating sunlight.

Chef Ahki would like to personally invite you to watch RED ALERT! A Conversation about HER Health, a virtual summit about uterine fibroids and the women whose lives they impact, based on the upcoming documentary Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids directed by Erica L. Taylor. You won’t want to miss this!


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