Exploring Your Online Educational Opportunities on World Distance Learning Day

Aug 31, 2022 | Main Blog | 0 comments

Distance learning provides a wonderful opportunity to take courses if a student is unable to attend a class or an event in person – often due to it being a long distance away! This educational option was not around in earlier times, so it was difficult for one to attend a course without being onsite. Having to travel to participate in a course sounds financially inconvenient for students. For old-fashioned students, this may not be a familiar concept. What is distance learning, you ask? It’s using modern technology through computers to communicate 1-on-1 with students and professors.

Although distance learning is a modern norm for today’s culture, did you know that Open University in India established distance learning in 1969? How interesting that India found innovative ways to establish distance learning. How did they have innovative ideas for distance learning during the mid-20th century? Creativity certainly helps bring about new and fresh ideas! Distance learning was a solid foundation during the pandemic in 2020. Students engaged in distance learning to follow safety measures of COVID.

There are many benefits of distance learning. It is eco-friendly; it helps save trees and reduce the carbon footprint. You do not have to worry about printing paper for assignments. You can easily do your homework digitally. You can even read books or textbooks online. Renting a digital textbook instead of renting a physical book can save you money.

Distance learning gives the student a great amount of flexibility. You can learn and attend courses wherever you go and whenever you want. You don’t have to commute to participate in a course. It also saves the learner money, by not having to purchase gas. You can easily have a Zoom meeting with professors from the lectures. Numerous options exist for you to explore distance learning. Why not check out online educational opportunities today – from the comfort of your own couch?

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Jennifer Tran

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