Mindfulness, Purpose, and Compassion with Nida Jawed

Aug 10, 2020 | 0 comments

There is no singular way of finding one’s purpose in life. It can come as a lightbulb moment, while for others, it can stretch to an entire journey.  

For certified life coach Nida Jawed, it was in the form of a question. She had embarked on her hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, seeking purpose.  

“I knew who I was, but I was confused about who I need to be. I wanted to do more with my life than exist,” she shared. 

On their trip, one of the people in her travel group observed how Nida emotionally connected with others. Thus, she was asked the million-dollar question: “Have you thought of becoming a life coach?” 

Ever since she was a young girl, Nida has idolized kind-hearted icons like Mother Teresa, Oprah Winfrey, and Princess Diana. And with her educational background in business, psychology, and anthropology, Nida sees others’ plight through a compassionate lens.  

“I am a believer in humanity and serving humanity. Every sad person deserves to heal, build themselves, and live well-deserved lives,” she said.  

Her compassionate attitude dissipated the fears of starting her own business, Nida Jawed Life Coaching, in 2018. She revealed, “I had cold feet, but I had witnessed too much sadness in the world to back away. The warmth of my desire was hot enough to melt my cold feet.” 

A faithful meeting with Her Nexx Chapter’s founder Lady Chap at the Dallas Professional Women’s #PowerPanel 2019 had inspired Nida to join the organization’s ranks as a Workshop Facilitator. Now, Nida wishes to help women find their purpose as the Workshop Facilitator for Her Mindful Bliss. 

“Her Nexx Chapter meshed so well with my vision and mission to help my clients live aligned, balanced, and fulfilling lives,” Nida said. 

Many things in the world can distract a woman from finding her purpose. Nida has seen women give up control of different aspects of their lives — from their bodies to their careers — in exchange for validation from all the wrong people and places.  

“I want women to control their thoughts and decide how they want to be defined,” Nida shared.  

“There is so much around a woman’s world that does not allow her space to be,” she added. Thus, Her Mindful Bliss seeks to reconnect with the inner self and create awareness of one’s purpose and value instead of external factors.  

The program seeks to explore and enrich the Four Selves. These are self-awareness, or determining one’s strengths and weaknesses, self-respect, or syncing your inner self with new uncertain changes, self-tranquility, or aligning spiritually, mentally, and physically; and self-nurturing, or connecting everything in your life. 

Nida will also be hosting a virtual Zoom panel entitled What is a Perfect Woman? on Wednesday, August 26 at 7 pm CT. Similarly, this event will discuss the importance of defining oneself as a woman in contrast to the norms of beauty, relationships, and insecurities from comparative social media.  

The pandemic has instilled uncertainty in women about the state of their lives, especially their purpose. Yet, Nida believes this uncertainty has allowed women to look inside themselves and ask, “What have I been doing this whole time?” These questions are the steppingstones to mindfulness and change.  

Nida, who has been providing virtual life coaching services even before COVID-19, believes that this new virtual norm for life coaching does not diminish its clients’ effects. “Humanity can remain present in the virtual world,” she explained. 

“Each session needs to bring the real connection and feel as if we are face-to-face,” she continued. “Even in a group setting, the connection becomes real when your clients feel heard, validated, and not judged. The message reaches their mind, body, and soul and not just their ears.”  

Although the life of a virtual life coach is far from stressful, Nida keeps her fire burning through prayer, morning affirmations, and, most importantly, believing in her “long-term plan.” 

“I want the world to be a better place for our new generation. Who will take care of the new generation? Moms! And who will make the best moms? The women we build today,” Nida concluded. 

Join Nida and friends for What is a Perfect Woman? on Wednesday, August 26 at 7 pm CT. Register here.

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The Future of Connection for Women

Anna Cayco

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