The Authentic You

Sep 18, 2020 | 0 comments

The Authentic You is the best version of you. The Authentic You represents your right to be free and live life on your terms and in your way. I cannot talk about the Authentic You enough. Why? Because I meet women who continuously wear a mask pretending to be something they are not. We adorn the outer self with fine clothes, makeup, expensive fragrances, and jewels, but the inner self is wanting to be free. I must admit that your freedom could potentially cost you relationships – family, friends, and business. My position from experience is that it is worth it.

From age 0 to age 40, I lived life on other people’s terms their way, but when she (The Real Cheron) emerged, life changed. I was ready to let go and allow the universe to align the puzzle pieces on my behalf. I wrote books, a reality show, a movie, and my life began to shape itself in a more successful and productive way. I was now smiling from the inside out and living on purpose. I WAS FREE to do what I wanted when I wanted whether taking a month’s vacation to a foreign country or creating something that could potentially change the world. I began to live.  I could breathe. My self-love was now evident to others. Happiness became my friend.

As you continue on your journey, ask yourself if you are living or just existing. Living is a way of life or a lifestyle. Existing is just surviving. Living is choosing happiness. Existing is being here physically and doing enough to get by. Based on the previous options, I’d rather live. You have a choice. I hope that you choose to live your authentic life.

I am beyond excited to join Her Nexx Chapter as their newest Workshop Facilitator! My program, Her Self Connection, will give you a heightened perspective of your purpose and show you how to live authentically and free! Come join me on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm CT. Let’s connect!

Our Her Nexx Chapter Community invites you to join us where women are connecting with each other’s stories, exploring different experiences, and transforming ideas.

The Future of Connection for Women

Cheron Griffin
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