National Women’s Health & Fitness Day: Buddy Up, Be Accountable

Sep 30, 2020 | 0 comments

The last Wednesday of September is National Women’s Health and Fitness Day. In these challenging times, the event is a perfect chance to join with our sisters as we focus on better health. National Women’s Health and Fitness Day is the largest U.S. health promotion event for women of all ages. Since 2002, women across the nation have come together on this day for special events at hospitals, parks, senior centers, and other local venues. The goal is to empower all women to achieve better health.

The event organizers have tapped into an important truth. When it comes to health and fitness, we’re better together than we are alone. It doesn’t matter if your goal is weight loss, stepping up your cardio routine, or simply climbing the stairs without losing your breath. Whatever you’re striving for, you’ll make more progress when you can get support from other people.

In 2020, many of us have had a hard time getting the support we need. We’ve lived through quarantines, gym shutdowns, layoffs, and disruptions in our children’s schooling. But as this crazy year starts to wind down, we still have many opportunities to connect with others who can help us achieve better health. 

Another method of getting through this unprecedented time is to look into the 30-Day Guest Pass offered by Her Nexx Chapter’s Workshop Facilitatores. Check out the variety of their programs.

Here are some great ways to get support for your health and fitness goals on National Women’s Health and Fitness Day and beyond.

Connect with Accountability Partners

Many of us make better progress toward our goals when we know someone else is checking on us. I once formed a Facebook group for this purpose, and right now I’m a member of a group someone else started. The regular check-ins with other women help all of us stay on track. An accountability relationship costs nothing, and you can fully customize it to meet your needs. Check-ins can take place over phone, e-mail, or social media. You can set hard goals (lose ten pounds by December) or commit to process goals (work out with resistance bands three times a week). It’s all up to you.

Join a Virtual Class or Group Workout

You can always video stream a YouTube, but there are also virtual options that allow you to personally connect with the teacher and other students. One advantage of remote workouts is that you’re not limited to your own geographical area. Ask your long-distance friends what’s available where they live, and you can attend together.

Team Up with a Walking or Running Buddy

It’s much easier to drag yourself out the door on a cold morning if you know someone else is expecting you. Socialize as you exercise, and you’ll feed your heart while you’re taking care of your body.

Four-legged buddies count, too! If you don’t have your own, see if a neighbor’s dog needs walking.

Work Out Safely at the Gym

Many women love meeting and making friends at the gym, and it’s possible to work out safely even during the pandemic. Most gyms are taking extra steps to protect their clients. Before you renew your membership, ask questions and be sure you’re comfortable with the facility’s COVID-19 prevention procedures. Observe all the personal precautions you can, and keep a safe distance from other people while you work out.

Use a Trainer or Private Fitness Studio

These options are pricier, but they’re a good value. You’ll get a safe, supervised workout that’s fully customized to your needs and abilities. Smaller fitness studios may be open even in areas where gyms are still closed. Check to see what’s available where you live.

Connect on Social Media
Even if you aren’t participating in any group activities or events today, National Women’s Health and Fitness Day is still wonderful motivation to up your fitness game. Use the hashtags #womenshealthfitnessday or #womenshealthfitnessday20 to see how other people are observing the event. Let their journeys inspire you to achieve your own health goals.

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The Future of Connection for Women

Maria Veres
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