Reflections on the Year Gone by and Setting Smart Goals for the Next

Dec 31, 2020 | 0 comments

So, the year 2020 is saying ‘bye and the new year 2021 is knocking on our doors. Perhaps, by the time you read this, you will have embraced 2021. How will you say the past year has been? I know it was a difficult year for everyone. The pandemic was the star of the year and everyone has been affected by it. But let’s talk about your accomplishments here. 

What is the best thing that has happened to you?

What challenges did you overcome?

What new skill did you learn?

How did you have fun?

Now that you have taken time to reflect on the gone year, let’s start planning for the year ahead. I am sure every year you have had a few goals, and from January 1 you start working towards those goals but somewhere in the middle you get derailed and those goals take a backseat. 

For this year, let’s be smart and set smart goals. When you set a goal for yourself, there should be some attached steps on how to reach that goal. Here you can use a structure called SMART goals.  

S – Specific: Make your goals specific.

M – Measurable: Define how you will measure success.

A – Attainable: Make sure you can attain the goals in a time frame.

R – Relevant: The goals should align with your long-term goals.

T – Time-based: Set a reasonable end date.

Now that I have given you a structure, your next question may be “How will I use this?” Well, it’s very simple. Choose any one of your goals and put that in the SMART structure. I am sure it will take some time and effort in outlining this, but the end result will make you smile with pride. And remember, you can use this tool to help with any goal in your life.

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Garima Chandra

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