Lifting Girls Up with Positivity as We Celebrate Women’s Equality Day

Aug 26, 2022 | Main Blog | 0 comments

Did you know today is Women’s Equality Day? It is an important day to celebrate all that women have accomplished to gain equal access to voting, have a career, and obtain an education. I celebrate women who are successful, empowering, and intelligent beings who continue to break the glass ceiling. It is also the anniversary of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote.

It is a day to recognize all your accomplishments and achievements. There are ways to celebrate and dedicate to continue to bring awareness to this important day. Show support for young women and girls by commenting positively on their success and accomplishments. You can also develop mentoring programs for young women and girls to promote knowledge in a positive and empowering environment. Creating mentorship opportunities for women and girls is important because women account for one-third of the employees in Fortune 500 companies. Teach women and girls not to limit themselves because of their gender; be creative, smart, courageous, and outspoken.

Donate to a cause or volunteer as there are plenty of organizations that need donations or volunteers whether for education, health, or overall well-being. You can voluntarily write and spread the word for nonprofit organizations, or you can aid their events and secure donations. Volunteering and mentoring are not the only way to celebrate this important day. Bring your fellow coworkers together and educate them about the importance of Women’s Equality Day. You can also join your local community and celebrate this amazing day.

The way I celebrate this day and every day is by continuing to write to spread the word to support and empower women, letting them know that they are never alone. We will continue to lift each other up and continue to create a positive influence for women and girls across the globe.

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Chelsea Whittington

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