Discovering Your Self-Worth and How You Live in Your Skin: Meet January Donovan

May 14, 2023 | Main Blog | 0 comments

Have you ever said something that didn’t really align with your true self? I don’t mean accidentally calling someone by the wrong name or inadvertently hurting someone’s feelings. I am talking about betraying yourself and possibly your beliefs by agreeing to something or over-extending yourself. I think most women can relate to that feeling that simmers in your gut when you’ve done something that you know is against who you are or what you stand for. An already impossible situation made worse by your own thoughts of regret or shame. I recently had the opportunity to talk to January Donovan, co-founder of The Woman School. January is also a best-selling author and self-worth strategist, who helps women overcome the exact feelings I described earlier.

One of the main points that January and I discussed was the fact that women betray their spirit often. But the reason isn’t because we are terrible women or uncultured jerks, it’s because we don’t have a plan for our life, a script that helps us in any difficult situation. A plan of action to hold to your beliefs, feelings and attitude. January, who listens to women and helps them cultivate a plan specific to their lives, believes that once you define how you want to move through the world, your self-worth will improve. After January and I concluded our conversation, I determined several things that apply to my life and mindset. Here are a few:

When you are confident in yourself and your choices, your actions start to line up with your choices, helping you become more confident. Confidence breeds self-worth and self-worth breeds a better understanding of who you are.

If you have a script or plan when conflict or strife arrives in your daily life, you can maneuver even the most difficult situation, without abandoning you. Determining who you are and what you truly want in your life creates self-worth and a deeper understanding of your soul.

Yes, you can create goals and lists, stating everything you want, a new car or a new job but if your spirit isn’t aligned to fertilize those hopes, lists and goals, inevitably you will be disappointed and unfulfilled. Ultimately, self-worth is derived from knowing how and why you live in your skin. How you parent, how you show up for friends and family, how you show up in your career, honestly, without compromise.

January and other experts will be sharing their insights at our upcoming mental wellness event, It’s OKAY! Pause, Breathe, Proceed. Join us here on Thursday, May 25, and learn to make impactful changes from women who have your mental health at heart.

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Tanisha Wallace Porath

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