The Fitness Benefits of Horseback Riding According to Equestrians
"Not only is horseback riding a great total body workout with upper body strength, core, and balance, but the lower body as well with the ability to hold your seat and move as one with your horse,” sums up the question of how horseback riding provides exercise...
A Heart Transplant Candidate Filled with Gratitude and Hope: My Interview with Mary
What do you think of when you see a woman wearing red? You may think of passion, courage, love or maybe something completely different! When you see a woman wearing red on February 3rd, know she is embodying all of these traits as she stands with her fellow women...
Losses and Lessons Learned Working Through My Grief
Have you ever lost someone? The grief is real. Grief is a strong emotion that people experience after losing a loved one. And yes, today we are going to talk about it, and how I’ve gotten through it. We always think that certain situations are never going to happen...
International Day of Education: Investing in the Girls and Women of Afghanistan
“Education is the key to unlocking the world. It is the passport to freedom.” — Oprah Winfrey There are, arguably, few things as powerful and momentous as education when it comes to changing the lives and histories of both individuals and communities. It has proven...
10 Ways to Promote Self-Love
Self-love is the act of treating yourself kindly and with respect. It doesn't mean you have to go out and spend a fortune on yourself, but it does mean that you should take care of yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically. Self-love is particularly important....
Celebrating the Creative Ones on National Bakers Crafters Makers Day
When I asked my friend Renee how she started her own jewelry business, she explained, “Because I bought a blouse, and I wanted a funky necklace to go with it.” That’s impressive. My friend Carol in Scotland makes amazingly beautiful and intricate cakes for all...
National Thesaurus Day: How to Build Your Vocabulary While Being Concise
Today is National Thesaurus Day. What is the significance of thesaurus day, you ask? National Thesaurus Day demonstrates how using a thesaurus improves your vocabulary and literacy skills. Peter Mark Roget created the thesaurus, showing his skill in list-making to...
The Journey of My Emotional Wellness: Mindfulness and Managing Feelings
Have you felt like you don’t belong anymore? That is exactly what happened to me as soon as I returned home to Ecuador. This is a strange feeling that, thankfully, changes with time. What is emotional well-being? Emotional well-being is about expressing and...
Eating Healthy in an Unhealthy Way: Understanding Orthorexia
Our thoughts about food can turn even healthy eating into unhealthy eating. We all have foods we love and foods we seriously dislike. We have ideas about what foods are healthy and what foods are not. We may even have a favorite diet that we think everyone else...
Intimacy, Vulnerability and Merging Lives: Insights from a Newlywed Perspective
When moving in with someone, especially someone you have just married, there are big and little changes, often unforeseen, you have to make. It’s nothing like how you have lived with others before. You grow up in a family, whether they are yours or an extension,...
Prioritizing Your Finances in the New Year: Budgeting and Saving Tips for a Prosperous 2023
With prices on the rise this holiday season, people are constantly thinking about the best ways to save their money. From “get rich quick” schemes to thousands of self-help books and even more videos on the internet, it seems as though you can find advice at every...
From “Word-Cross Puzzle” to The New York Times: National Crossword Puzzle Day Engages Fans
When my daughter was home for spring break from college one year, she decided to “do” crossword puzzles, which actually meant the whole family would “do” crossword puzzles. “Six-letter word for New York State,” she’d call out and someone would answer, “Empire.”...
Disclaimer: Information provided herein by Her Nexx Chapter are resources designed to help women better understand healthcare alternatives, health awareness, and general medical information. Individuals are urged to consult with qualified healthcare providers for diagnosis and treatment and for answers to their personal health questions.