The Heartbeat of Her Nexx Chapter: Meet Our Volunteers!

Dec 5, 2020 | 0 comments

The lifeblood of Her Nexx Chapter is our team of dedicated and committed volunteers. Today is International Volunteer Day with the theme for 2020: “Together We Can Through Volunteering.” With nine departments and 66 volunteers from five different countries, we are living and walking out that theme daily as we work to enrich and enhance the lives of women worldwide.

Today we want to honor our Her Nexx Chapter volunteers as well as give you a glimpse into some of what they do. They are a mix of women and men, students and professionals, recent grads and soon-to-be retirees who may have joined the organization for one reason, but once a part of our community have experienced more than they expected. Those who have been volunteers for a while share their thoughts, and you can also read the comments of our newest team members to learn about what led them to join HNC. Below in their own words, meet our amazing volunteers:

“My experience as an Editorial Assistant at Her Nexx Chapter has been extraordinary. HNC has given me the opportunity to work with a team who is genuinely interested in lifting and empowering women, and that in itself has been remarkable. There are few things as wonderful as working with people who really care about what they do and about doing it in a way that genuinely helps others. This, I’ve found, is the common culture at HNC, which has provided me and many others with a rich and wonderful volunteer experience. Every time I write a piece for the HNC blog, I know I am engaging in something bigger, something impactful, something important. The work HNC does is valuable, and I am honored to be a part of it.” ~ Maria Belen Iturralde

“I am the Public Relations Director for the newly formed PR team! I pursued a volunteer role with HNC because I was invested in making a difference. As a woman myself, I am happy to commit to any movement focused on empowering, inspiring, and enriching the lives of women. When I stumbled across HNC’s website, I was immediately interested and knew I had to apply for a position. Working for HNC has been wonderful; I feel supported both personally, and in my role, and I’m proud to work alongside independent, impressive, and powerful women who also want to make a difference.” ~ Elizabeth Schumacher

“The past few months at Her Nexx Chapter have been like standing in front of a mirror and self-reflecting like never before. I have not only gained professional experience but also become a refined version of myself. From making my first cold calls as a Fundraising volunteer to working as a Social Media Collaborator, I have experienced growth through all the stages of this humble journey. Her Nexx Chapter has gifted me what I lacked! A purpose to wake up to every day and a supportive community of friends and mentors who believe in me. I won’t be exaggerating if I say I see myself at Her Nexx Chapter in the next 5 years working with the same enthusiasm as today but only aiming for higher stars.” ~ Syeda Vishaal Hassan

“My name is Alicia Key, and I am a Corporate Relations Coordinator for Her Nexx Chapter. I joined this fabulous organization in April of 2020, and it has made my heart full! I have the honor of collaborating and connecting with other visionaries who nurture a sisterhood near and far. This experience is stretching my capacity and creativity in ways I could have never imagined! I’m learning more about cross-departmental collaboration, project management, and account management. I’m stepping out of my comfort zone, and I’m learning so much about myself in the process. I’m so glad I found the gem that is HNC!”

“Hello, my name is Arantza Yuja. I just recently joined HNC as an Editorial Assistant. I found out about this organization through Volunteer Match. What caught my eye was what this organization is about. As an intersectional feminist, it is very important to me to be able to speak on feminism because I know it is still a difficult term to understand for many people. I have always wanted to be a part of an organization all about giving back to the community, and this year has definitely been very emotionally and mentally challenging. I came to the conclusion that to feel fulfilled I wanted to use my skills where I would be making a change in someone’s life, and what better way than to volunteer at a non-profit organization that I am passionate about!”

“My name is Taylor Hays, and I serve as an Event Coordinator for Her Nexx Chapter. I have been volunteering with HNC for about 6 months now and have been amazed by the resources that Her Nexx Chapter is able to provide for its members. Particularly, I was BLOWN away by the result of North Texas Giving Day (an event near and dear to my heart), with the money used to fund 7 women with memberships!!”

“My name is Sherri Swanson, and I serve as the Membership Coordinator. I volunteer because I have the time. I recognize my time is something I can give, and on a basic level, it is nice to feel I have achieved something by helping others. As a new volunteer with Her Nexx Chapter, it is exciting to be on a team with so many outstanding women, and I look forward to interacting with them soon.”

“I was looking for an organization where I could grow my skill set and give back. I found HNC because I am passionate about women’s empowerment and development. I have had great experiences thus far with all of the members I have interacted with, and I am excited to see what will come next.” ~ Marissa Pomerantz, Email Coordinator

“I am a Social Media Collaborator on the Instagram Team. I recently joined about a month ago and since then, I’ve learned so much! From the words of affirmation and positivity to the new platforms I am learning to use, Her Nexx Chapter has helped me see the greater things in life. It has been so easy to slip into a period of unproductivity and hopelessness during this pandemic, but constantly trying to improve your mental health and learning new skills to prepare for the unknown has really kept me grounded. I can positively say that upon joining, things have only looked up from here, and everyone on the team is patient and willing to help you out, which is a huge plus! Everyone keeps the perfect balance of professional and personal!” ~ Kasey Liang

“My name is Ross Mellman, and I am a volunteer Writer and Editor for Her Nexx Chapter. I believe that HNC is an extremely open and welcoming organization. As a male who comes from a conservative perspective, I have always felt welcome in this organization, and I have always felt as though I am a valued participant. My presence in this organization serves as proof that HNC is open to participants from all perspectives and beliefs. As a student who has aspirations to become a physician, HNC has allowed me to tie together my passion for writing with my passion for medicine. I have written several articles on medical topics for HNC, and this has broadened my understanding of many pertinent issues in medicine while also providing me with the opportunity to inform others. HNC is a multi-faceted organization that has opportunities for volunteers in a plethora of different, engaging capacities. Ultimately, we are all bringing our unique skills and viewpoints to the table with the goal of helping women worldwide.”

“I have just joined Her Nexx Chapter as a volunteer and what led me to HNC is the willingness of womxn to support such a wonderful cause in the advocation of other womxn. I think that volunteering is so beautiful and brings awareness to initiatives on different levels because when we volunteer, we put our heart into something bigger than us and expect nothing in return. My first impression is that the volunteers at Her Nexx Chapter put in a lot of work simply because they believe in the efficacy of community work.” ~ Autumn Hargett, Social Media Collaborator, Instagram Team

“I joined HNC to improve my writing. But through reading HNC blog posts, I quickly learned that everyone has something meaningful to contribute, and some very insightful knowledge to share – may it be on specific financial advice or broader social issues. The team has been wonderful, and I hope to get more involved and meet like-minded and completely different people!” ~ Hazel Chew, Editorial Assistant

“Working with Her Nexx Chapter has enabled me to connect with some amazing women. I have been able to explore my creativity and have been given multiple opportunities to involve myself in the different workings of the organization to hone my skills. I feel great to be a part of something that is so relevant in today’s times and doing their earnest best to help and empower women to be well-informed.” ~ Natasha Shah, Social Media Collaborator

“Being a part of this team of diverse, dynamic, and warm-hearted ladies has been a great experience for me. I felt at home as soon as I joined, and I was able to grow with HNC. It’s been nearly half a year, and I feel connected with the energy and mission we are trying to achieve. I appreciate the freedom I get to share my opinion and the open transparent discussions we have as a team to achieve our goals.” ~ Pooja Mohta, Email Marketing Manager

“Hi! I am Sanjivini Dhar, Public Relations Coordinator for HNC. I started volunteering for this organization in 2019, and it has been a good experience for me. I volunteered for this position to gain hands-on experience with PR which would help me in getting a full-time job in the future. The team I work with has been really kind and supportive toward me. They provide great help to me in situations where I am not able to do it myself. Overall, I would say that HNC is helping me learn and gain experience in the PR Department.”

“Hey there, I am with the Editorial Team and have been with HNC since July 2020. Since I started my writing has grown and I have gotten opportunities to write on topics which otherwise I wouldn’t have thought of. I had the opportunity to attend some of the sessions by the Workshop Facilitatores. The coaches are very good.” ~ Garima Chandra

“Hi, I’m Emily and I’ve been a part of the HNC Events Team since July. It has been such a great experience growing with the team. HNC sends such a great message for any and all women, and I have learned so much from being a part of it. Throughout the many months I’ve been a part of HNC, I’ve learned how to use so many different platforms and have gained a plethora of hard and soft skills that will help me in the future years to come. I’ve met so many inspiring women and was able to find a home even within this COVID pandemic. I’m so thankful to be a part of HNC and cannot wait for what else it has in store for me.”

Working with Her Nexx Chapter has really helped me gain confidence in my writing and work. I am now working for a marketing agency helping them write and with creative strategies. I will definitely keep such an awesome organization in mind for anything in the future. ~ Erica Sobecki, Former Editorial Assistant

If reading one of our team members’ comments, sparked something in you and you’d like to explore the volunteer opportunities within Her Nexx Chapter, we’d be happy to talk with you. You can let us know of your interest here.

Our Her Nexx Chapter Community invites you to join us where women are connecting with each other’s stories, exploring different experiences, and transforming ideas.

The Future of Connection for Women

Suzanne Ridner

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