To the Dedicated Ones Who Give of Themselves: Happy International Volunteer Day!

Dec 5, 2021 | 0 comments

A very happy International Volunteer Day to all those who dedicate their time, their talents and their service to another – whether that be at a local food bank, in your child’s school, with a community outreach, for a nonprofit organization, when a neighbor is in need or wherever you find an opportunity to help someone. Thank you!

This day is especially important to us at Her Nexx Chapter, as our volunteers are what makes this organization what it is. With the help of the women who willingly offer their gifts, skills and dedication, HNC has just celebrated its fifth year since our Founder and Chief Vision Officer, Lady Chap, birthed what had been in her heart for several years.

As Lady Chap tells it, “I knew that when I started Her Nexx Chapter, it would be the women who came alongside me that would help make this vision a reality.” If you would ask her today about those many women who have joined her and embraced her vision, she would probably shed tears of gratitude. The appreciation she, as well as all of us leaders in the organization, have for the amazing people on our teams runs deep. This group of volunteers – 60-something at last count, from multiple countries around the world – has taken Lady Chap’s vision to heart and made it their own.

Here’s what two of them had to say:

Dawn RobertsExecutive Project Management Strategist, shared about her experience: “Her Nexx Chapter has been a lifesaver for me. It has brought me to a community of fabulous women whom I admire, and I cherish the friendships we’ve made. HNC offers so many types of groups for support of women which is amazing. When you come here to HNC you feel like you’ve come home to a family of women that you never thought you’d have, who love you and support you for who you are and who you are becoming. Her Nexx Chapter is an organization that is an inspirational and a motivating community that I support and recommend to all women from all walks of life whether they need a wellness program, advancing their skill set, or just want advice from women who have been in their shoes. Her Nexx Chapter has it all and that’s what makes HNC simply amazing.”

Fatima ValiStrategic Executive Assistant, recently shared: “I joined Her Nexx Chapter at a point in my life when I was struggling with finding employment and in a sea of personal issues that made me hit rock bottom. Then, I found HNC via Volunteer Match and suddenly, I found myself finding purpose in life again. As I continued to get to know Lady Chap and feed off of her contagious energy, things automatically started to somehow look more hopeful. Opportunities started coming up, and I found myself a job. I am a big believer that the universe starts to give you things as soon as you align yourself with the right group at the right time. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you and HNC for coming into my life when I most needed it.”

One of the most important aspects of being a volunteer and at the heart of Lady Chap’s vision is the growth and nurturing of this team. We encourage each volunteer to gain as much experience as they’d like in whatever areas they want to participate. As Editor-in-Chief, I have a wonderful team of writers, and several have dipped their toes into other areas to expand their knowledge, expertise and skill sets. And, frankly, I love that! Our collective desire is for our volunteers to thrive in the areas where they serve.

So, perhaps you’re asking, “How can I get involved?” or “In which areas can a volunteer serve?” These include Programs and Events; Marketing and Public Relations; Curriculum Development; Human Resources; Editorial and Grant Writing. If you’re interested in participating in one (or more) of these areas, let us know here.

And, if you haven’t yet joined our free Her Nexx Chapter community, we invite you to do so. Women from around the world are sharing their stories, encouraging one another, getting support in return and enjoying a new sisterhood together. Here’s the link to join us.

Whether as a volunteer or a member of our community, Her Nexx Chapter is here for you to connect, explore and transform. We look forward to seeing you!

The Future of Connection for Women

Suzanne Ridner

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